Ukraine. It am writing this on March 2, 2022. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is now in its seventh day. I have so many conflicting thoughts and emotions. What should the nations of the world do? What specifically should NATO and the EU do? What would I do? The animal in me, the emotional me, the me who might live in Ukraine or have Ukrainian blood would want the world to launch a full-scale assault of Russia. I would want these nations to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, stop all Russian airplanes and missiles from overflying Ukraine, bomb Russian positions and go after the bastards in the Kremlin. I would feel that those people sitting in the comforts of their homes, watching and commenting on the destruction of my country, are hypocrites and complicit. While sanctions have an impact they will take months, if not years, to have an impact. They will not stop the bombs and the deaths. I would be mad, angry, disappointed, pi...